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TP Links

Page history last edited by Dave Raftery 11 years, 1 month ago


TP Links  - These are current as of October 09. I have some cleaning up to do with the descriptions; this section is getting pretty ratty looking.

Official website by Sonja Elen Kisa

Official word list at Sonja's site

Official word list on my server. This is a copy of what is on Sonja's site

New TP Forum

New TP Wiki

Yahoo Tiki Pona group - This was the most active group for discussing TP and getting help learning the language. Sonja has started another TP forum, where the above discussions continue.

Kisas blog

Archive of old Sonja's TP site

TP Wayback machine

TP lessons:

TP basic vocabulary

TP search engine - This is a TP specific search of the internet. It stopped working in July 09.

Toki lili shoutem - This is a recent site which uses the same technology as Twitter.

Good links - Pije's website

Wikia start page

Wikibooks page

TP on Twitter

Audio of some TP words

Great blog on TP - Suburban Destiny

Another forum still active

TP Wikipedia article

TP vocabulary list

Vocabulary list with flash cards <-- this also denotes parts of speech

Interesting site all in TP

More flashcards

On-line TP vocab checking

TP on Live Journal <-- this has some 2009 posts

Site all in TP

Jokopos TP page - lots of links

TP ISO page

Audio files for pronunciation

TP site in Spanish

Semantic primes and TP

TP semantic prime words <-- local version on my server

TP has 100 speakers as of 2007 ? - according to Los Angeles Times article

Sonja at Live Journal

TP to English automatic translation - this program translates word for word into English; then you have to add intelligence and decipher the actual meaning.

TP review

Name registry

Board reader for TP

TP book coming in 2009 - Sonja's official book on TP is due out in 1st quarter of 2010. She is working on a new wiki website for TP and will basically be putting draft material for the book up on that site. The book will come after the content is fleshed out on her website.

A short story

Corys TP page

Michael Fridman - has translation of the Little Prince in TP

Philip Newton 3 of 4

Philip Newton 4 of 4







http://www.mnemosyne-proj.org/node/169 TP root words

message 4745


Speed of Thought





New TP website - Sonja is still building this

Text translated into TP from songs, movies, etc.

Another TP group similar to Twitter on Identi.ca

Great picture for learning TP

TP video presentation

Literary Adventures in TP - a blog written in TP

Old TP lessons on line - select index

cueFlash on-lin TP flash cards

Description of Smiley Talk - TP in pictures (last updated march 2009)

Interesting grouping of TP words in Smiley Talk

This site translates TP words into pictures.

Another review

A new world language

TP  search engine

TP sites on internet

Russian TP podcasts

TP movie

Site to ask questions

Custom TP searches

Glossing translator


Different web course at http://smart.fm/goals/321071

jan Mato's Twitter lessons

Dave's short TP introduction on FB

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