Userguide More Standard Features



Additional Standard PBwiki features


Editing features



h = hint toggle

b = bold

i = italics

u = underline

- = strikethrough

c = cancel

p = preview

s = save



To aid in navigating your wiki, you can add a Sidebar, which will appear on the right side of every wiki page. Just make a page called SideBar (type "SideBar" into the search box and then click "Add SideBar"). Make sure to call it SideBar and not sidebar - capitalization is important! If the page exists, its contents will be displayed as a sidebar on every wiki page on your site! You can also watch a short video on creating a Sidebar.


File uploading and how to reference in a page

PBwiki provides space for users to upload files to the wiki. For free PBwikis the user gets 10 megabytes of storage space; Premium PBwikis offer 1 gigabyte of storage space. Selecting the "Files" button at the top of a page, will bring you to the Files page. From there you can upload files from your computer. Just use the Browse button to locate the file on your computer and then select the "Upload" button to perform the actual file transfer. The files currently in your PBwiki are listed on the "Files" page. If the file is an image file, you will see a thumbnail of the picture.



Reverting to previous versions of wiki pages

  1. Under the "Wiki Information" footer, click on "Show All Pages"
  2. Click the red plus-sign to the left of the page you wish to revert. A list of old versions will show up.
  3. Find the old version you want to revert to. I find that I often have to try a version, hit the browser back button, and keep going until I get the right one. When you do, there'll be a box at the top of your window asking if you want to revert.
  4. Hit revert and you have your old version




Comments can be left on any wiki page by logged in users. Just click on the "Comment" button at the top of each page. You will be presented with the previous comments as well as an input box to add your own comments to the page. Comments are limited to 2000 characters in length.


Email notification

You can set up your wiki, so that you receive an email every time it is edited. On the Log-in screen, there is a check box under your email address to "Notify me of changes". When this box is checked, you will be emailed when a page is changed.


Archiving your wiki


You can create a complete backup of all your wiki pages at any time, by clicking the "Settings" link at the top of the page and then selecting the "Backup" link on the left menu. You will be presented with a screen where you can make a zip backup file of your pages.


Sharing your wiki


You can make your wiki either public or private. If your wiki is public, anyone with access to the URL can read your wiki pages. They cannot edit them however without a password. If your wiki is private, users need access to a password before they can even view your wiki pages. To change your wiki status, go to the settings page and select the "Public/Private" link on the left side of the page.


If your wiki is public, you can give the password for editing, to your friends. If you want to allow anyone access to edit your wiki pages, you can include your password on the Log-in screen as part of your wiki description. The owner of the wiki can always change his password in the future, to limit editing access to his wiki.



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