a: ah, ha
akesi: non-cute animal, reptile
ala: no, not
ale, ali: everything, anything
anpa: bottom, lower part
ante: difference different otherwise, or else change
anu: or
awen: stay, wait
en: and
ijo: thing, something
ike: bad, negative
ilo: tool, device
insa: inside, inner world
jaki: dirty, gross
jan: person, people
jelo: yellow, light green
jo: have, contain having receive
kala: fish, sea creature
kalama: sound, noise
kama: come, become
kasi: plant, leaf
ken: can, is able to
kepeken: use with
kili: fruit, pulpy vegetable
kin: also, too
kiwen: hard, solid
ko: semi-solid or squishy substance, e.g. paste
kon: air, wind
kule: colour, paint colourful colour
kute: listen, hear auditory
kulupu: group, community
lape: sleep, rest sleeping
laso: blue, blue-green
lawa: head, mind main
len: clothing, cloth
lete: cold cold, uncooked cool down
lili: small, little
linja: long, very thin
lipu: flat and bendable thing, e.g. paper
loje: red
lon: be in/at/on be there, be present
luka: hand, arm
lukin: see, look at
lupa: hole, orifice
ma: land, earth
mama: parent, mother
mani: money, material wealth
meli: woman, female
mi: I, we my
mije: man, male
moku: food, meal eat
moli: death die, be dead kill dead
monsi: back, rear end
mu: woof! meow! moo! etc.
mun: moon lunar
musi: fun, playing
mute: many, very
nanpa: number -th
nasa: silly, crazy
nasin: way, manner
nena: bump, nose
ni: this, that
nimi: word, name
noka: leg, foot
o: O hey!
oko: eye
olin: love love to love
ona: she, he
open: open, turn on
pakala: blunder, accident
pali: activity, work
palisa: long, mostly hard object
pana: give, put
pi: of, belonging to
pilin: feelings, emotion
pimeja: black, dark darkness
pini: end, tip completed
pipi: bug, insect
poka: side, hip
poki: container, box
pona: good, simplicity
sama: same, similar
seli: fire, warmth
selo: outside, surface
seme: what, which
sewi: high, up
sijelo: body, physical state
sike: circle, wheel
sin: new, fresh
sina: you your
sinpin: front, chest
sitelen: picture, image draw
sona: knowledge, wisdom
soweli: animal, especially land mammal
suli: big, tall
suno: sun, light
supa: horizontal surface, e.g furniture
suwi: candy, sweet food sweet
tan: from, by
taso: only, sole but
tawa: to, in order to
telo: water, liquid
tenpo: time, period of time
toki: language, talking
tomo: indoor constructed space, e.g. house
tu: two duo, pair double
unpa: sex, sexuality erotic
uta: mouth oral
utala: conflict, disharmony
walo: white, light white thing or part
wan: one, a unit
waso: bird, winged animal
wawa: energy, strength
weka: away, absent
wile: to want, need
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