Lots of good Agenda links
Beeswax PIM - runs on linux; a work in progress
Try running Agenda in Wine on Linux
To obtain an (80 X 43) or (80 X 50) display when running Agenda under Windows 3.0, the Windows SYSTEM.INI file must be modified. The file can be modified in Windows, or in any text editor. To modify the file in Windows, follow these steps:
1. In the Windows Program Manager, click on File Run.
2. Enter: Notepad and press RETURN.
3. In Notepad, click on File Open.
4. Enter the path to the file (e.g., C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI) and press RETURN.
5. Move to the end of the file (the line should read NonWindowsApp).
6. Press RETURN to move to a new line.
7. Enter: ScreenLines=43 for a machine with an EGA card. Enter: ScreenLines=50 for a machine with a VGA card.
8. Click on File Save.
For the changes to take effect, the customer must then exit Windows, re-load Windows and start Agenda.
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