Received my gPC yesterday. Will write a review after I fire it up.
The gPC is easy to assemble and it fired right up. It asked for a username and password and then to accept the Google license. I installed Flash from the Firefox browser when it prompted me after visiting Youtube.
I had some trouble with setting the screen resolution. The screen came up at 800 x 600 but I couldn't get it to accept and stay at 1080 x 800. I performed the recommended fix on Faqly and it seems to have worked. The verdict is still out.
I don't like the built in file manager; it crashed the machine once on me so I downloaded Thunar. The Unbutu package installer works great. I also installed Gqview, Konsole, Didiwiki and Squeak.
Ask on Unbuntu forum where Synaptic puts programs - I can't find Didiwiki after installation.
gOS 3 help file
I had trouble getting the screen resolution higher than 800 x 600. Then while Jacqueline was using the PC, it rebooted and came up in 1200 x 800 resolution. I don't know why. Then I was able to change the resolution to 1780 x 800. We'll have to see if it holds when I reboot.
When the computer first ran, in 800 x 600, the minimized icons were displayed at the bottom right of the desktop. Now at 1780 x 800, the minimized icons dissapear. There was no answer about this on the FAQly.
Applications I installed:
- Thunar - file manager
- Mplayer - multimedia and DVD player
- Konsole
- Gqview - jpg viewer
- Didiwiki
- Squeak
- Asmix - volume control
Originally Posted by aikidave
I am new to Linux and am running gOS, which I understand runs on top of Ubuntu. I bought one of the Walmart Everex GPCs. I have used the Synaptic Package manager to successfully download several programs (Gqview, Konsole, Squeak and Didiwiki). Gqview and Konsole show up under my applications menu, but I can't find Didiwiki.
My question is where does Synaptic put the files when it installs a package? Where do I go to find and run Didiwiki? I know I need to learn more about the Linux file structure!
Binaries, doc files etc. are installed at different locations.
/bin Common commands
/sbin used by root
/usr most user apps
/opt optional third party apps
to quickly find a file try:
locate filename
quickly searches based on files indexed everyday (usually)
or uptodate but lengthy search try the find command
more details at man find
to locate commands
whereis command
another easy way is to look for the package in synaptic and look at the details, it will list the files and locations.
you should be able to find it with whereis in terminal - application >accessories
whereis packagename
applications, administration, system update (there are 2 one is a notifier) click those and it will bring up your updates that are available, mine seems to be doing better since I did that but I would not do the xdebconfigurator one since it has been causing some people including myself to have errors.
Dave, when you go to the update manager the first time and have it install all those updates it pops up a message box saying to go to terminal and type sudo apt-get update so you can get the future updates , something about the repository has moved is the reason why.
so in the uxterm you would type sudo apt-get update then hit enter. This is after you have done your updates through the update manager and seen that message.
I am hoping it does not add xdebcongfigurator back because I too completely uninstalled it and now have my monitor set perfectly.
gOS is based on Gusty implementation of Ubuntu linux
"What much of the tech industry is aware of but appears unable to address is the very fact that most users now view the PC not as a computer but a communication device. In that role a $1500 investment is a ridiculous use of capital. That role is best suited for a < $500 device. That's what the role requires. gOS/Everex/WalMart is addressing it."
I used Synaptic Package manager to install asmix which is a graphical knob which will let you adjust the volume of the hardware. I ran asmix from the command line, was presented a round knob, which I turned to full volume. I now use my Everex gPC speakers to fine tune the volume. Before I installed asmix, I had to turn the speaker volume to max to hear anything. Now I only have to turn the speakers volume up 1/3 to get good volume.
Question Synaptic downloads are not showing up in applications menu as they did previousl. When I go to uxterm and enter the name of the program it shows up on the desktop but as soon as I close the terminal it disappears. Why are they not showing up in menu and how do I make them run?
open uxterm
type in:
should open the menu administration program
you can "manually" add program launchers here as well using the same comands you would use to launch the program using uxterm.
I tried to run "alacarte", but it was not installed on my "gPC".
(in an "UXterm" window) I needed to type:
sudo apt-get install alacarte install the packages, and program (which was what was suggested, by the OS, when I tried to run the program).
...It works GREAT, now (in fact, I used it to put "alacarte" itself, on my menu).
My recommendation: USE THIS PROGRAM!
You will start-out logged-in as a user. Dont forget to use the command "sudo" (which will quickly be followed by a request for your "administrator" password) in front of any typed-commands, to avoid "permissions" conflicts.
Note that gOS Rocket (version 2.0) does not have a "green leaf" menu anymore, left clicking on any part of the desktop serves the same function.
Also, there is no "system tools" menu anymore, so there is no menu entry UXTEM to be found anymore.
You can still open UXTERM by using the "Run Command" menu entry, and entering UXTERM (or XTERM).
right click on ibar at bottom of screen. Select add programs. You are given a list of programs by category. I added the system monitor to the ibar.
I just discovered this trick to add new shortcut icons to the iBar (The OS-X "Dock" like menu bar on the bottom of the desktop).
Start a program using any means, for example through the applications menu, or through "run command" or through a terminal command.
Use the minimise button to minimise the program.
A "minimised program icon" will appear to the right of the iBar.
Now simply drag this icon to the iBar and it will become a new shortcut icon!
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