katatetori kokyu nage
- tenkan and throw
- pivot, step and throw (no tenkan)
- hizatate - 1/2 tenkan, drop to knees and throw
katatetori udekeminage o& u
Katatetori menuchi kata hiki otoshi
Katatetori menuchi hizatate kokyu nage
tsuki saeotoshi
- step back tenshin with front left foot, grab uke's wrist in your left hand, your right hand (or bent forearm) grabs uke's right elbow, turn your hips back to your right causing uke to move toward you, grab uke's right shoulder with your left hand and drop down on your right knee throwing uke
- 2nd way - after stepping back and doing atemi, irimi and tenkan in front of uke and do saeotoshi
katatetori or tsuki kaiten into choke
- nage's left hand held. Irimi to nage's left and atemi to the back of uke's neck with nage's right hand. Nage's right hand passes around uke's neck to the front and grabs uke's right lapel. Nage then steps back with his left leg to his original postion. Nage should end up on uke's side with uke's arm extended and choking him with his right lapel.
gyakute nage = udikemi nage
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